Tuesday, 14 May 2024

Happy birthday, to us!


Together, we grow older, to achieve a milestone – for the two of us, unequally, equal – in the wildest of it forms.

All the holler about oh one year flying so fast, time flies, enjoying while they’re still young, enjoying every moment – Well time didn’t fly – every single day is etched, this is no exaggeration – for having ran through the errands one after another – wading through long days and nights.

Going without food is easy, but not without sleep, but thanks for helping me conquer the want to sleep – over day and night. It’s insanely beautiful, thanks to my coffee! I’d wait for Coffee’o’clock, a reason to date with coffee.

Learning to identify physical growth through rows of clothes on the clothesline – each time I go up to dry after every manual wash – little pieces of cloth that made for initial clothing, have become longer, and broader, if you will. Each time the cloth is set to dry on the clothesline, the smell of Dettol on my fingers and the clothes attracts me for a quick few – to stand by and feel every dress that was gifted. And that’s how I recollect every piece of clothing that was gifted, from the time of birth. 

An unwavering fetish to remember the little things, without having the adrenaline rush to have them as a "photographed memory." Thanks for the impetus to get my focus straight.

Learning to bend and flex despite being injected in the spine, to bring you to the world. With each painful feeling, I’d utter Niraamaya – your pristine name, to free me of any disease!

Work is something that I dreaded the most to deal with – amidst all the chaos. Thanks to the tough project management training on the job, about 18 years of experience, has been paying off – in terms of handling daily eventualities and challenges. I had projects as babies, prior to having a human baby :)

No, you didn’t grow old just like that, neither did I. Neither is this a RANT. It’s super encouraging to face even more challenges, as they come along – one at a time, with complete SURRENDER to my dear Krishna!

This is why the tattoo on my hand feels so good – painstakingly incredible of how the 1 year came to be, and my 40th!

Happy Birthday, to my fellow May and Edavam born (Malayalam month). Thanks for making me AMMA.


Usha – together we grow older, to achieve a milestone.




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