Wednesday, 8 April 2020

Certain Uncertainties

A certain uncertainty
More uncertainties than certainties
Yet strangely sufficient:
Enveloped by music -
On the radio, and all other gadgets available;
The best though over the phone -
With conversations about music
Remembering song after song of the Maestro - Ilayaraja
No googling, just taking them out of the archives of the heart and mind...
When a song is almost on the tip of your tongue,
Yet you can't still sing it, the phone is disconnected.
With a certain return phone call after 5 minutes -
Here you go this is the one I meant to sing, says one of my aunts!
Enjoying little certainties amidst larger uncertainties.
Certainties are all around; if you care to pay attention, closely, if you will.
Certainties are so many that my list would occupy all the space!
A few that top my list:
The fact that you wake up daily,
The morning coffee that beckons you to start your day
The oh-oo-oor's made by the feathered friends
The warmth of the presence of loved ones around you
Who care to love and serve you relentlessly
Music with Amma and small fights with Appa;
Virtual meetings with cousins and friends
The cups of ginger lemon tea in the afternoon & evening
The food that gets served right on time
The drumstick tree that keeps growing back despite being broken all the time!
A job in hand
The music that fills my heart and soul
A cute teddy to hug around
Fresh air and sunshine, with tons of positivity, hope, and prayers!
Certain uncertainties, still yes, linger on,
They are God's way of asking you to press the pause button, naturally
To 'Rethink' of what could've otherwise wreaked havoc in the long-term!
The undo button isn't always available at your disposal:
If this microorganism is grinding you to a halt,
Take the cue!
Enjoy the certain uncertainties, and breathe easy!