Sunday, 29 March 2020


How so much we have progressed in  the way we listen to our music. We have the luxury of picking and choosing our music at the press of a button through web and mobile apps. We have had music traversing with us right from the days of gramophone records and cassettes; all the way up to Spotify and ITunes. Music has remained the same still; it continues to do what it does best, despite all the transformation in media and technology. 
There have been days I would wait for the music cassettes to be out for sale to get my copy. 
There was a Side A and a Side B to the cassettes along with the song titles and names of singers by the side. We had a Panasonic ‘tape recorder’ which had visibly huge buttons to click and ‘eject’ the cassette out, to play the next side. Clicking these buttons was a fancy thing, simply because of the sound it creates when the cassette juts out and is locked back inside. There was a record button in bright orange which I used to keep pressing, both accidentally and intentionally at several intervals; which was so thrilling to me as a child! 

I shamelessly take ownership for ruining one such cassette at my grandmother’s place in Kottayam, Kerala. It was of the movie - “His Highness Abdullah.” The cassette had a yellowish backdrop with the picture of Mohanlal, KJ Yesudas and Sibi Malayil. It would begin with Mohanlal’s distinct voice, as a prelude to the songs. That’s the gap which I made use of, and spoke quite a bit into the cassette, by hitting the record button! Haha! Hearing my own voice back felt like an achievement; only to get chided later by the elders in the family! 

The movie Jeans had a novel idea when the cassette was out - it was packaged in a denim pocket and they even gave a candy to go with it! Owning that cassette was such a thing of pride. What's more, knowing the lyrics was a feather on the cap! I used to keep hitting the pause button until I memorised the lyrics of some of these songs back in the days. Some of the songs used to be in the cassette but not in the movie and vice versa. 
Through these cassettes, my mom and I developed a special fetish for identifying Carnatic ragas as well as the names of singers in general - both movie and classical music songs. The names of ragas used to thus easily get registered in my head. This way, both my mom and I used to relate to other songs that were based on the same raga. We attribute our knowledge to these treasure troves called - cassettes. 

Even to date, my mom and I tend to identify the ragas and names of playback singers without the help of google - just to keep our memory live and kicking. Thanks to the radio that I have, we suddenly break into a song and begin debating on who the singer is and even begin identifying the raga on which the song is based. This is for Ilayaraja songs though, mostly.

Mixtape goes on and on, with music just being an inevitably integral part of life. Music technology has transcended beyond measure and offers the ability to  dig deeper into the archives: if not akin to the joy of owning cassettes, these apps and instruments still do justice in terms of the sheer variety they have to offer. Radio remains a favourite though, hands-down!

Leaving you with a picture of one of my priced possessions - His Highness Abullah's cassette.

So what are some of your memories of music from the past? Leave a comment at the end of this blog post! :)

Sunday, 22 March 2020

Carpe Diem

Per Meriam Webster, the literal translation of this phrase Carpe Diem is – “pluck the day.” Enjoying the present sans a thought about the future. Carpe Diem is often viewed as a lofty phrase, only meant for a certain clan of people – the footloose, pixies, vagabonds. Good for a tattoo, wallpaper, screensaver, mobile cases, and statuses perhaps – not really applied in day to day living per se, this Carpe Diem, you know!

There’s an all new dimension to this phrase now though, with our novel corona virus wreaking havoc globally. Enforced – carpe diem. Enough has been spoken about social distancing, hygiene and cleanliness to keep COVID-19 at bay; which, people all over the world, if not to the fullest, have been following to some extent. Thanks to all the media and the awareness; which we are fed with every day, without a break, at least we know what’s going on and how much we don’t really have control over. The word “tentative” comes to the forefront now, topping the list of words off of the dictionary. Some relative terms include – To be Discussed/Decided (TBD), temporary, until further notice… (Note the ‘ellipses’ in particular).

This brings us to a point where we are all forced to pause and rethink about the way we view life as a whole. Every plan comes to a standstill – wedding, religious gathering, shutdown of institutions, travel plan cancellations, work from home and all the paraphernalia that’s associated with a pandemic situation. The government and organizations have risen up to the occasion and have been urging us to function on a war footing basis – do whatever it takes to eradicate the virus.

There’s only so much you can do and provide guesstimate dates around when things would resume to normalcy. Globally, people seem to be gradually and steadily resigning to the fact that we cannot always be on the move and that cancellations CAN happen; that too because of a microorganism – something that cannot even be viewed by the naked eye!

So lo and behold, that brings us back to the Carpe Diem situation – making the most of the day that’s right in front of us. For a change, globally, we’d all say – “hey, your guess is as good as mine!” This microorganism has thus united us globally, leaving us with a fight, that's for a common cause. So when everyone’s staying home, we just got to do our own thing – sans malling/shopping/cinemas/outdoor activities.

This leaves us all with one important element which we’ve all been running behind. Volumes have been spoken about its lack of being there, lack of being managed properly – TIME! So now, we are left with so much TIME that humans don’t really know what to do with all this ‘saved time.’ The once elusive resource, is now available in abundance. It’s not always that we’re in such a globally connected situation. When there’s tons of it, spend it wisely, with discernment. Gratitude has been a long lost virtue, hence all the saved time is being abused by terming it as boredom. Boredom is for the fickle-minded and social media maniacs. Like how animals go on hibernation, humans must do so too! Get into activities that make us forget the concept of time – simply by doing what we love. This is the time for introspection, family bonding, finding one’s purpose in life rather than complaining about the uncontrollable. It’s going to get us nowhere – we’ll just end up talking in circles! Nurture an “Ikigai” (Japanese concept that means – reason for being) of your choice and enjoy the present as though it were a present. Back to carpe diem – seize the day! Have fun. 

Leaving you with a good old song of the one and only MJ – “Heal the World.”

May we all vow to be better humans, and may we stand in solidarity for world peace and harmony. 

Sunday, 15 March 2020


Keeping the circle small – this somehow has been with me ever since I was in school. A group of 5 girls who I always hung out with back in the school at Madras – and then when I shifted to Kochi for classes 11 & 12, I had to befriend my teachers instead of fellow classmates. My English was the problem in this school at Kochi because none of the students would even utter a word in English, even if they knew how to speak! My only respite was the teachers, who I ended up spending time with.

It feels funny to recall how I used to spend hours together talking to my English sir, who I was in awe of – only for his sheer simplicity and knowledge of the subject, and the language in itself. The remainder of the teaching fraternity used to give me puzzled looks; wondering why I spent all my time at the staff room instead of hanging out with my peers! My adoration for this English sir grew beyond my teenage limits; so much so that, I gave him a yellow-colored greeting card for Valentine’s Day (yellow being the color of friendship)! 

Standing inside the staff room, waiting for everyone else to leave, so I could hand over my little token of respect and love for my ‘Sir’ is still something that’s etched in my memory – I was brimming with excitement and shyness all at once! In response, the ‘English sir’ returned an unfazed smile, that’s all! I took that for an acknowledgement and appreciated his courtesy.

There was another English sir as well who was instrumental in instigating the habit of conscious writing in me. He used to ask me to close my eyes and think of any thought that immediately came to my mind. And he said, write down those first few thoughts that come to your mind and then expand on it! That will get you writing, he said – and it worked! The fact that I didn’t have any ‘friends’ loomed large, that I ended up writing a poem about ‘friendship’ in my school magazine – I recall the poem talked about fake vs. real friendship. By this time, all the teachers knew me so well that they gifted a book for the general proficiency student award that I received – “How to win friends and influence people,” by Dale Carnegie.

Towards the end of class 12, I approached my ‘English sir’ to fill in my slam book; with  childish delight.  The page said – “Usha, solitude is a gift that not many possess, and you are fortunate enough to have it.” Sir tried to explain what it meant, nonetheless, I couldn’t fathom the deeper meaning it bore back then. Solitude has stuck to me ever since and I thoroughly enjoy every bit of it.

Being a Grammar-Nazi is a hindrance in fetching good friends. But that’s something that I cannot stop being – simply because of my love for the English language. So whoever who has remained in my life as friends are either people who I talk to fully in Tamil, or those that are eloquent in English – there’s no in between thing!
At the end of the day, good friends are for keepsakes and if you cannot find any or too many, there should be zero regrets – the right ones would stay. It is okay if your circle is small – smaller the circle, lesser the toxicity.

Leaving you with a thought to ponder – how many ‘friends’ do you have, that are worthy of being called one – beware, it should be a ‘friend,’ not an ‘acquaintance!’

Tuesday, 3 March 2020

Hot Mess

The state of being single beckons; 
Giving you doses of daily reminders:
You’re after all a recluse; basking in the glory of solitude:
No invasion into the deeper recesses of your mental space and freedom, no one to consult or none to dictate terms.
And then there are the symbols of wedlock that entice you - 
Of flowers, jewellery, sarees, partnership, gatherings and all the wedding paraphernalia that’s associated. 
Your playlist is shared, edited, upgraded, with every prospect whom you meet;
The same tracks assume different meanings with each passing memory;
Do you really have a choice of owning the playlist, all by yourself,
Keeping the meanings they once lent with the same emotion?
Well that’s the thing about love: it’s a mixtape. 
The songs keep churning in the mixtape 
The tunes remain the same; the association changes; with love.
Does it even last until the next Valentine’s?
Mixtape; goes on...with every song.
For music never lets you down: you have a choice of switching over to variants.
That’s the thing about being a music lover 
There’s a plethora of offerings it has to provide. 
Back to hot mess: you can still pick your choice : do you want to share your playlist with another?
While still dreaming of wedlock, flowers, so on and so forth...