Thursday, 7 November 2019

Curtain raiser : 2020. Pre-new year musings.

“2019 will be yours”; read the very first IM I received this year. Indeed it has been; granted there were ups and downs as is the case with all mortals. But life is all about taking the time out to appreciate the small things; that can otherwise go unnoticed. Every month has been remarkably educating, in terms of the love and learning received, in oodles. With family being closest to me, much needed support in a very long time; perhaps something that I have been yearning for, rather, 2019 couldn’t have been any better. Of the freedom and space that I experienced from people around, the weight loss, bicycling, music and photography. There have been super low weeks and those crashing moments where you haven’t got a clue of what you’ll do next, that too. 

The last year of the teens, the very usual happy 2020 wishes will begin flowing in about a month and parties will begin. The grind begins after the first couple of weeks into the new year. 

Point to ponder over:

For change to happen, you don’t really require a new time stamp in chronicles. A new year or a new month is just an excuse to postpone the change that you must be making at this very moment. It has to commence from within, you have to either be all in or all out, for there is no midway-concept. It takes discipline, discernment and a determined approach to face the onslaughts and the good times. You  may not always experience the vibes being positive. If everything is positive then where is the room for all the lessons that you get to learn? There’s a flip side to this though: it is the approach or your response to the situation that decides whether the outcome is going to be positive or negative. Trust the journey, the joy of becoming: a Metamorphosis of sorts.

So what is your excuse or change statement? If this article made you think and plan something ahead, do let me know by way of your comments. 

Happy 2020, from My Brewroom btw 🥰


  1. #Happy2020
    If everything is positive then where is the room for all the lessons that you get to learn.

  2. Writings kidu ayitu indu chechi :D happy 2020!!

  3. Nice and impressive. More to go .....
